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Author Days 2024

August 9 & 10,  Friday & Saturday, 10 am - 5pm

Join Sauder Village, in partnership with the Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural Center, as we tell the Latino Story for Author Days on August 9th and 10th. Experience the sights, sounds, and smells of Latino culture through art displays, cooking demonstrations, music, and activities throughout the Historic Village, all highlighting and celebrating Latin America and its influence on the world. The Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural Center will also be on-site offering ways you can continue exploring northwest Ohio’s Latino heritage through their classes, tours, and events. Explore books written by authors from Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Peru, and learn about the historic figures that helped shaped a nation. There’s so much more to discover as Sauder Village and the Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural Center celebrate and amplify the many wonderful stories of our multi-cultural heritage.