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Special Exhibits

A special collection of quilts.

 Artistic Diversity Challenge

Curated by Knot Even Quilters Guild (KEQ) in Michigan. 

Description of challenge:  When you look at a finished piece of artwork, you are looking at years of study, experimentation, experience, and feeling that the artist has poured into her work. There are layers of texture and color and processes in every genre of art. In this challenge, the KEQ group of artists is exposing you, the viewer, to a vast array of techniques available to them as textile artists. Tasked with using as many methods as possible in a single piece, the Knot Even Quilters Guild joyfully offers our many skills for your enjoyment.

Each quilt submitted for the Artistic Diversity Challenge had to use at least five (5) techniques from the following list:

Piecing, Applique, Quilting, Fusing, Embroidery, Dyeing, Painting, Printing, Stamping, Paper-Piecing, Improvisation, Shibori, Smocking, Photo Transfer, Batik, Melting/Burning, Weaving, Macrame, Stencil, Trapunto, Cording, Beading, Felting

Quilts were not to be larger than 30” x 30” and the quilters initials must be somewhere on the front of the quilt.

Fusion Challenge

Curated by: It’s Not Your Mama’s Quilting (art quilt group) – members of Pieces and Patches
Quilt Guild, based in Jackson, Michigan.

Description of challenge: Members of the art quilt group, It’s Not your Mama’s Quilting, were
asked to explore the concept of FUSION – what does it mean to you? Each entry was to use
Marianna Ross’s professionally hand dyed and batik silk remnants and one other silk-based
product into their challenge quilt design. The artist had to include at least one technique
presented at a guild meeting. This collection of twelve (12) quilts range in size from 12” x 15”
up to 26” x 21”. We hope you will enjoy this artistic assembly of one of a kind quilts.

COVID-19 Information

In adherence with state and local safety precautions, facemasks are required while at Sauder Village. We will also moderate the number of people in the show to allow for physical distancing. We will continue to work with local health partners to ensure visitor safety. Thank you for your support of the Sauder Village Quilt Show and for helping us keep our community safe and healthy.