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Volunteer Opportunities 2022

As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, Sauder Village relies on the support of volunteers to help make 2022 Rug Hooking Week a successful event.

 If you are interested in helping during rug week, contact...
Rebecca Landin
/ Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer Opportunities include...

Rug Check-In:  A limited number of helpers are needed to help to check in rugs brought for the exhibit. Attention to detail and the ability to work well under pressure are important for this role.

Demonstrator: Experienced rug hookers are needed to "set up shop" in the exhibit hall for 2-hour shifts to demonstrate and talk with the public about rug hooking. You also need to be willing to help guests try their hand at hooking on a set up provided by us. With education being a priority of the Sauder Village mission, demonstrators are an important element to the week to allow the public to see this fascinating craft in action. 

Take Down: Responsible volunteers are carefully selected to help with take-down of the exhibit and check-out process on Saturday, August 20, 2022 from 5:00 – 6:30 pm. This is a fast paced time where gentle handling of rugs and attention to detail are critical. It is very important that you are able to help during this entire timeframe.