This workshop is for those interested in creating a designer style purse to add to their wardrobe. Once you select your outfit, the purse will be designed to match - to complete a fashionable outfit or look.
While learning the steps of making and assembling a purse, you will also learn a number of creative techniques to add to your fiber art toolbox – such as #3 Cut Snips, Waldoboro Sculpting, over hooking, and more. You will also work with a variety of fibers – like wool, velvet, and yarn. Tatiana will show you how and where to best use those fibers for maximum impact.
Prior to the retreat, students will send a photograph of their outfit to Tatiana, and she will create a matching purse pattern for you. Tatiana will also color plan, select, and dye fibers, so that the purse matches the colors of your outfit.
During the retreat, Tatiana will cover assembly, lining, handles, and finishing your purse. You’ll end up with a custom designer bag – and you made it!
Additional information about these matching purses can be found in Tatiana’s article in Rug Hooking magazine, Jan/Feb 2023 issue.
Purse Kit: 9” x 18” pattern on linen, #3 cut hand-dyed wool for design, hand-dyed or off the bolt wool for the background which can be cut #3-#5, yarn, or velvet depending on the fabric, lining with sewn pocket, snaps, yarn for whipping, the leader handles (optional), and instructions on how to finish a purse. (To put the purse together the students do not need to use a sewing machine.) The size of the finished purse is 6” x 9”. The price of the purse kit is – $90, and the leather handles are an additional $25.