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Free Form Quilling Workshop


Annette Shaffer  Howell, Michigan        

Dates:  1 day – Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Time:  9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m..
Class Fee: $130.00 / Sauder Village Members $120.00
Supply Fee: $50.00 - payable to teacher during class
Location: Founder’s Hall – Stage Left
Teacher’s Website:



Rug-Hooking-People-Shaffer-AQuilling with wool is a technique using strips of wool which are rolled, coiled, and then stitched or glued.  Free form quilling expands this technique to include circles, ovals, rectangles, angles, waves and squiggles of wool.  This workshop will take quilling with wool way beyond round quillies and explore the unlimited design possibilities of free form quilling.  This kind of quilling may evolve into free form, ever changing patterns, repeating motifs or be used to create specific designs.  It may also be incorporated with rug hooking and other mixed media projects.  Free form quilling is a great way to use wool blankets, coats, clothing or over felted wool that is too thick for hooking.  Annette will bring many finished pieces to serve as examples and inspiration and to showcase the amazing versatility of this technique.

In this workshop, Annette will guide students in designing and creating their own free form, double sided quilling mat, approximately 8”x 10”, using felted, precut ½” strips.  She will bring piles of ½” precut wool strips for you to choose from to create your unique mat.  Using one, two, or multiple strips at the same time, students will learn how to stitch a variety of quilling shapes and to smoothly transition when adding new strips or shapes, techniques which will be incorporated into the mats.  Other topics taught will include creating, then joining quilled components together and how to add quilling to a rug hooked piece.

Free form quilling may be done using hand stitching or glueing.  Both techniques have advantages and disadvantages which will be discussed so students learn which method is more appropriate for a particular application.  Sometimes a project best utilizes a combination of both techniques.  Though this workshop will focus on hand stitching, a glue table will be set up if participants wish to try quilling using glue.  Annette will share many helpful hints, tips and suggestions and hopes this workshop will encourage participants to explore the many creative possibilities of free form quilling.


Teacher will contact students prior to class:  Yes

Level: Basic – Students must have basic hand sewing knowledge & experience.

Supply fee description:  Detailed handout, quilling needle and your choice of enough precut wool strips to create a mat approximately 8”x 10”. Additional wool strips will be available for purchase.  

Students Need to Bring: Sharp fabric scissors, spool of strong quilting or upholstery thread in a neutral color (Annette uses Gutermann’s upholstery thread, available at JoAnn’s) and a thimble if you use one for hand sewing.

Rug-Hooking-Bowl-Shaffer-CBio: Annette Shaffer of Annie’s Wool Works describes herself as a lifelong fiber craft person.  She began traditional rug hooking almost 30 years ago but soon evolved into creating shaped, cut out and 3-dimensional hooked pieces. 

Many of her pieces are mixed media, use additional fiber techniques such as beading, felting, sewing and embroidery and incorporate non-traditional hooking materials such as yarns, silks, as well as wire, old bed springs, twigs and other natural elements.  More recently she has been exploring quilling and shirring both as flat and dimensional pieces, as stand-alone pieces or incorporated with rug hooking. 

Rug-Hooking-Deer-Shaffer-DShe is honored to have received People’s Choice Awards five times in the Mixed Media and 3-Dimensional categories at Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village. She has been published in Rug Hooking magazine and teaches several dimensional wool workshops through-out the year. She is a founding member of her local ATHA guild and member and office holder in two other fiber guilds.

Annette enjoys teaching and sharing the diverse, creative possibilities of wool with others. Visit Annette’s website to see her dimensional wool work and the many different ways she has used free form quilling and how it can be incorporated into your wool world.


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