As a rug hooker or rug puncher, you may have missed out on those fun painting parties with wine include. Well, we can’t provide the wine, but you are welcome to bring your coffee, tea or non-alcoholic beverage of choice as we paint, hook and punch.
In this workshop, with the assistance of your teacher Linda, you will be given a canvas to paint on as a background to what you choose to hook with wool strips or punch with yarn. After completing your hooking or punching, you will treat the back of your piece with something “special” that will keep your work from unraveling. Then comes the scary part. You will cut out your hooking or punching out with sharp scissors. Linda guarantees that there will be no fraying or unraveling. The final step is to glue your work onto your painted canvas.
You might be worried that you can’t draw a design. No problem, Linda will have some fun and creative designs available for you to trace. But you are encouraged to take this opportunity to come up with your own design with Linda’s assistance, tips & guidance.
Just learning to be able to create different shapes with your hooking and punching opens up unlimited possibilities. You can then attach these hooked or punched pieces onto purses, tote bags, denim jackets, lamp shades or whatever you want. Wow! You really don’t want to miss this workshop!