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Exhibit Registration

Exhibit Entry Information for Rug Hooking Week Exhibit 2023

Feature / Special / Celebration / Group:        April 3rd to June 16th
 Main:   April 3rd to July 28th

NOTE:  One Registration form per Exhibit/Rug entry. 

Registration is 2 STEPS

Step 1: Contact information form.

Step 2: Submission entry form.
Select the category that best fits your exhibit art piece and carefully type in your information, some of which will be used on the exhibit description cards

  • Main Exhibit - Select the Main Exhibit category that best fits your piece. For more info: Main Exhibit - Registration begins April 3, 2023. Follow this link to register: EXHIBIT REGISTRATION
  • Feature / Special / Celebration / Group Exhibits – When registering, go to the exhibit category then select the appropriate sub-category from the drop-down box. Registration webpage will be available April 3, 2023.


Complimentary Admission ($96 value):  All pre-registered exhibitors will receive one complimentary admissions pass to the Rug Hooking Week Exhibit & Vendors plus the historic Sauder Village, valid Wednesday through Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm. You may pick up your admission pass in Founder’s Hall on Monday, when you drop off your exhibit pieces, or Wednesday - Saturday at the Founder’s Hall Admission Desk. Thank you for your contributions to this year’s exhibit, we know that everyone will enjoy seeing your work!

Updates:  Any status updates for registration deadlines or capacity for entries are reached will be posted here and our Facebook page. Be sure to “follow” our Facebook page: Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village

Group Exhibits:  Instructions are on our Group Exhibit webpage. Before any Group Exhibit rugs may be registered your group coordinator must follow the instructions by the deadline and receive confirmation. Contact your group coordinator with any questions. 

Security: Founder's Hall, the exhibit hall, is a secured facility and Sauder Village grounds are patrolled after hours. While Sauder Village takes every precaution to protect all pieces loaned for the exhibit, we know you will understand that we cannot accept liability for them. Rug owners are required to carry the appropriate insurance on their hooked pieces of art.

Questions:  Email your Exhibit Registration questions to:

Submitting your signed registration signifies agreement with the exhibit guidelines and allows Sauder Village the right to photograph this entry for publicity, education and/or promotional purposes in either print or electronic media.