Updates: Any status updates for registration deadlines, including the exhibit reaching capacity for entries, will be posted here and our Facebook page. Be sure to “follow” our Facebook page: Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village.
Group Exhibits: Instructions are on our Group Exhibit webpage. Before any Group Exhibit rugs may be registered, your group coordinator must follow the instructions by the deadline and receive confirmation. Contact your group coordinator with any questions.
Security: Founder's Hall, the exhibit hall, is a secured facility and Sauder Village grounds are patrolled after hours. While Sauder Village takes every precaution to protect all pieces loaned for the exhibit, we know you will understand that we cannot accept liability for them. Rug owners are required to carry the appropriate insurance on their hooked pieces of art.
Questions: Email your Exhibit Registration questions to:
Submitting your signed registration signifies agreement with the exhibit guidelines and allows Sauder Village the right to photograph this entry for publicity, education and/or promotional purposes in either print or electronic media.