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Celebrating Trees

Today is Arbor Day in Ohio! Each year, communities across the country observe Arbor Day by gathering for tree planting events. Arbor Day celebrations promote cleaner air and water, protect wildlife in their natural habitats, and improve natural human health - all through planting and nurturing trees!

Even though we aren't able to get together and celebrate this year, there's still an opportunity for us to celebrate at home! If you would like to plant a tree at home, trees can be ordered online or picked up at local nurseries. If you want to spend some time outside, hug your favorite tree and share a picture of yourself! While many trees don't yet have their leaves, you can still identify them from their bark or branch structure.

See if you can identify these trees that were found here at Sauder Village!

You can find additional ideas and at-home resources for Arbor Day celebrations from hiking through the trees to online learning and kid-friendly crafts at


Tree #1

Tree #2

Tree #3

Tree #4

Tree #5

Tree Identification:

#1 -  Pin Oak
#2 - Swamp White Oak
#3 - Shagbark Hickory
#4 - River Birch
#5 - Sycamore
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