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Student Education Fund

Make a Difference in the Lives of Students

Sauder Village is an educational learning lab that offers experiences that simply cannot be duplicated in textbooks. Unfortunately, due to budgetary constraints too many youth miss the opportunity to get beyond the classroom walls. The Student Education Fund (formerly called Student Experience Fund) is making an important difference in the lives of students who would otherwise miss the opportunities to benefit from the learning experiences at Sauder Village.

With the Student Education Fund, established spring of 2020, plans were made to arrange field trips for students from Wernert Elementary and the Imagine Avenue Madison School of Arts. Moving forward, Sauder Village staff will work closely with schools eligible for fund support to arrange field trips or special programs to ensure the most meaningful experiences for students.

“Since we have so many impoverished and financially struggling families in our school, the children were amazed and excited to experience Sauder Village,” shared Susan Kershner, teacher at Wernert Elementary. “It was a first time experience for almost all of them, and many would never get to see this without your help."

"Reading in books and hearing a teacher tell you how things were long-ago does not compare to this fabulous time-travel experience at Sauder Village. Our students are able to experience life from the past!  The concepts and information that we try to help them learn suddenly becomes real for them.  Farm life, all the animals, inventions, tools, trades, family life and more - they feel so connected to it all afterward,” Ms. Kershner added. “Thank you for making this happen for our wonderful children. It is the very best way for our children to learn about the heritage of our country.”

Your gift to the Student Education Fund can make an important difference in the lives of students who would otherwise miss the learning opportunities available at Sauder Village.

Giving is easy:

Click here to donate online!

Mail check payable to Sauder Village (PO Box 235, Archbold, OH 43502)

Call 419.446.2541

 Schools can request this gift by filling out this form: Student Education Fund Request.