Interested in bringing your students to Sauder Village? We hope you'll take time to look through these pages to find information on planning your visit, payment forms and guidelines for your chaperones.
There are 2 steps to make a reservation & payment for a field trip - both need to be completed to make a full reservation for your school or group field trips:
Step 1) A Reservation Request can be made by
online submission or with a verbal request at 800.590.9755 or 419.446.2541 ask for the education department.
Step 2) Complete a
Payment form - required for all school or group field trips.
We recommend field trips be scheduled at least two weeks prior to the requested field trip date. Please complete the online reservation request or call 419-446-2541.
Supervising leaders or teachers are asked to complete a Payment Form, distribute the Chaperone and Teacher Field Trip Tips to all teachers and adult chaperones joining the trip, and ensure the bus drivers are given our Bus Loop Map. This will help ensure that your field trip runs as smoothly as possible!