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Honoring the Past, Inspiring the Future.


It is with the generosity of our donors that Sauder  Village can continue its mission of honoring the past and inspiring the future.

You can make the difference.

Sauder Village began as the vision of one man, Erie Sauder who knew the importance of preserving and sharing the challenges and lessons of our past so that they can help shape the course of our future. Today, Sauder Village belongs to all of us. It is our shared privilege and responsibility to ensure generations to come remain connected to our heritage.

The Sauder Village Experience is a labor-intensive undertaking. Although proceeds from admissions, hospitality and retail areas contribute to our educational mission, they do not cover the expense of maintaining the living-history village.

You can make a difference. Your gifts help sustain this vital educational resource for students of all ages, keeping it accessible and affordable for everyone now and into the future.


The Experience Fund

Erie instinctively knew that Sauder Village was most meaningful when educators and working artisans personally engage guests in the experience. The commitment to relating stories and activities from the past to our lives today remains our priority. Each season, an investment is made in the interpretive staff and historic structures that bring lessons from the past to life. Components of the Experience Fund include:  

  • Little Pioneers Homestead
  • Historic Farming & Barnyard
  • Natives & Newcomers
  • Pioneer Settlement
  • Grime Homestead
  • Historic Community
  • Historic & Contemporary Trades
  • Volunteer Support

Your support can make a lasting impression at  Sauder Village. Planned giving is a way to give a legacy gift that continues for future generations.  Annual giving will support the experience fund  to bring about the ongoing mission of Sauder Village.  Current efforts are the variety of development projects which include the 1920s Main Street project, Golf Outing, Student Experience Fund and more. Donate an artifact for use within the Historic Village - we are looking for select items within the time period of 1803 through to the end of the 20th Century. 

Erie's Sons, the late Maynard and Myrl Sauder, shared a few years ago what the Sauder Village experience is to the community.
