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The Sauder Village Experience

Sauder Village’s unique "walk through time" living history experience:

    • Preserves the heritage of Northwest Ohio’s Great Black Swamp region for the benefit of generations to come
    • Recreates a chronological series of living history areas spanning over 100 years
    •  Serves as an authentic backdrop of time period buildings, artifacts, farms and gardens reflecting everyday life from 1803 through the 1920s
    •  Features costumed interpreters, craftsmen and farmers who personally engage guests in the stories and activities of Ohio’s ancestors
    •  Makes history relevant for all ages in a wholesome, fun and family-friendly environment

The Sauder Village Experience Fund

Your gifts to the Sauder Village Experience Fund:

  • Continue a first-class educational resource in this region
  •  Keep admission affordable for school children and families
  •  Enable students to experience their best learning by “getting their hands on history”
  •  Provide talented craftspeople who demonstrate traditional crafts that inspire
  •  Make it possible to offer engaging activities and programs that multiple generations can enjoy  together
  •  Offer a youth volunteer program where students gain confidence and maturity
  •  Allow for personalized experiences through costumed interpreters who make the stories of the past  relevant to our lives today
  • Ensure that the lessons learned from the past will never be lost
  • Create the perfect place where all ages can spend quality time together in an atmosphere that is just plain fun!

The Student Experience Fund

Sauder Village is an educational learning lab that offers experiences that cannot be duplicated in textbooks.  Due to budgetary constraints, too many youth miss this opportunity.  You can help make a difference in a child life by giving to the Student Experience Fund, to help provide school children with a field trip or special program to ensure the most meaningful experience.

 The 1920s Main Street Project

The 1920s Main Street is an exciting new addition to our Walk through time experience. 
The project will replicate key businesses along the "main street" community typical to Northwest Ohio in the 1920s. Develop a permanent resource to serve as a backdrop for the stories and activities of the booming 1920s era. Expand student programming in this "learning lab" environment, including STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts and math) themes in a historic setting.  

Donations to Sauder Village are recognized annually according to seven levels as outlined below. The top four levels form what we call the “Well Diggers Circle," reflecting the idea that “We all drink from wells we didn’t dig" — a reminder that we all benefit from the work of those who have gone before us.

Well Digger’s Circle
Visionary ($10,000 and above)
Pioneer ($5,000-9,999)
Trail Blazer ($2,500-4,999)
Historian ($1,000-2,499) 

Supporters & Friends
Supporter ($500-999)
Friend ($200-499)
Contributor (up to $199)

Support of the Experience Fund through a …
Cash Gift
Multi-year Pledge
Gift of Appreciated Stock

Or join the Erie J. Sauder Heritage Society with a Legacy Gift to Sauder Village through your…
Gift of Life Insurance
Retirement Plan/IRA

Thank you for your help to bring our heritage to life through the Sauder Village Experience!