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Saturday, July 9, 2022 10:00 am – 5:00 pm 
Celebrate summer with fun adventures on the farm! Make plans to bring your kids and grandchildren to this special event to learn about our farm animals, enjoy nature-themed activities, play old-fashioned games, and try a variety of hands-on activities in our historic homes and shops. Fun for the whole family!
We Are Harvesting Wheat! Behind the Elmira Depot, watch us ….all day. Weather permitting.
Pack Your Wagon in the Lauber Settlement
Packing a 1928 picnic in the Grime Home
Roll out pie dough in the Witmer Roth home
This is the Way We Wash Our Clothes at the Stuckey Home
Make a Tussie Mussie in the Nature Center
Create a little tent to take home at Little Pioneer Homestead
Horse Races at Little Pioneer Homestead